The Words for a Life Well Lived: How Dr. Amber L. Wright Helps Voices Rise.

communication empowerment Jul 28, 2024

Ever wished your words could carry more power? Meet Dr. Amber L. Wright, a communication expert who's made it her mission to help others find their voice. Here, Dr. Wright shares her journey from curious student to passionate coach, offering insights on personal growth, entrepreneurial life, and the power of effective communication.

Amber, tell us about your passion. 

I am passionate about giving people words well said, for a life well lived. My way with people and my way with words are my natural gifts. I've been using them my entire life, before I knew they were gifts. When a professor in undergrad pulled me to the side and said I was "unusually good" at communication, that was the first major "aha" moment I had about it. I became a Communication Studies major after that, and it changed the trajectory of my life! I've been helping people become better communicators (in some formal capacity) for 20 years now.

When did you realize that this path was for you?

I realized early on that people have trouble expressing themselves and their truths – making that connection inspired me to help make communicating easier for others. After obtaining my master's degree in Interpersonal Communication, I became an adjunct professor in the same subject, and that's when my real work began.

Tell us about that beginning: how did you start, and what challenges have you overcome?

Starting a business was a little intimidating, but I can't say I've ever hesitated in pursuing my passion. While my work doesn't define me, it is borne out of what makes me, me. I'd do it even if my livelihood wasn't attached to it. One of the most difficult challenges has been buckling up on the ride of entrepreneurship. The work itself is manageable, but building a business around it has been hard at times. I've overcome this by taking my time, trusting my gut, and keeping a servant's heart.

Where have you needed to invest your time, energy and resources?

To pursue this passion, I've needed to first invest in myself and my own well-being. That means I'm walking it like I talk about my own life, before I ever try to help someone else. Making sure I'm healthy and whole, and using my words to create the life and relationships I desire are always my priority.

What have you learned so far?

Looking back on where I first started, I can say that I'm a wiser and more courageous version of myself now. I've learned how to trust my intuition, turn up the volume on my voice, and do things on my terms.

In the beginning, I was more concerned with what people thought of me and I've long since shed those shackles (of other people's opinions) from my wrists! I try to remember that what other people think about you is not your business. Keep your eyes on your own paper and follow the path uniquely set out for you.

What is the most meaningful part of this work for you?

My passion has helped people rethink how they're showing up communicatively in their personal and professional relationships. They've become better listeners and in general, more intentional with how they engage with the people around them. That means the most to me and lets me know I'm doing my job.

What advice would you give a Passion Seeker who wants more of what they love in work and life?

Your gift is someone else's struggle. Don't take what comes easily to you for granted! It doesn't need to become a business, but know that you can impact someone else's life just by being who you are.

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