Seeker #12 | Feb 04, 2025

Here's a sneaky way to squeeze in what you love!

Hello Passion Seekers!

Let me guess, how much do you just LOVE doing the dishes after dinner each night?;) Well, these days I actually look forward to it, thanks to my Rest is History podcast, I'm learning and laughing, and investing time in my passion while I deal with the dirty plates. 

I call this "Passion Stacking", and it's changing how I add more of what I love to my days.

Inspired by James Clear's habit stacking (where you add a new behavior onto an existing one), Passion Stacking is about taking a chore, responsibility or task you have to do, and adding something you love on top of it. 

Maybe you love photography but never have the time to take that class, but seeing as you've got to get your steps in for the day, you challenge yourself to take 5 photos on your next walk. The "flow" you experience while taking your photos transforms your time. 

Or, at work, you're on the hook, every week, to do that status report (groan), but, instead of grinding it out, you create a playlist to accompany yourself (because you still have that dream to do more DJ-ing, or HIIT class teaching.)

Or, you're a Sports Dad, spending your Tuesday nights taxi-ing your kids to their various practices. You love songwriting, so you take your notebook and your phone, and work on that tune in the 15, 20 minute waiting times. 

This isn't just about making life palatable; it's about creating intention about doing more of the things you love. 

I'm not saying you aren't busy. You deserve rest, we all do. 

But, sometimes we forget that we do have more power than we realize. 

What if we remembered to:

REFUSE to allow the duties of life to claim every second of our time?

FIGHT against the algorithm-sucking abyss we can all fall into? (Labradors staring at tennis balls in swimming pools is my latest time suck, trust me, I get it!)

OPEN UP to what we can do?

So, this week: 

  • Choose a recurring task you don't love, or something you're NOT looking forward to. 
  • Then, think of something you DO love to do, and the smallest, fastest way you can experience or practice it, even it it means making less progress than you'd typically expect. 
  • Get organized: gather what you'll need to Stack your Passion on top of the mundane task (download podcast, charge camera battery, buy notebook, create playlist, etc.) 

As you Stack, check in on how you feel. More positive? Less stressed? Notice that, and adjust for next time. 

This isn't a competition, or a do-or-die scenario. It's simply about you taking back your time, however you can, to do more of the things you enjoy.

Try it, and let me know how you get on!


Founder, Passion Collective

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