Seeker #7 | September 07, 2024

The Unexpected Power of "Home"

Dear Passion Seeker,

Have you ever wondered how the dots of your life connect? I just had a mind-blowing experience that I want to share with you, because I hope it will spark something in you too. 

My Unexpected Homecoming

After 25 years, I returned to my hometown – Sherborne, in the beautiful English countryside. It wasn't a planned avoidance, life just got in the way. But if I'm honest, part of me feared that going back might make me question my life choices or relive some teenage grief (Spoiler alert: I couldn't have been more wrong!)

Your Heart Knows: Walking those familiar streets felt like putting on a comfy pair of jeans. The town had grown, but its essence remained. I had worried my cherished memories would be different in the light of the 21st century (yikes, how old am I?!) but what I found was the town I knew, only better. 

The traditional, Stiff Upper Lip town of my childhood now celebrated Pride Week (unheard of in the 90s where LGBTQ people lived invisible lives), boasted many cute coffee shops and design stores – it even had a record shop, much to my husband's delight!

My heart knew it was home. And, I realized that for all those years, it had been fear that had kept me away. 

The Good is Hiding: Instead of sad memories, I found reminders of my strengths and passions. As I walked past The Powell Theater, where I used to act in school plays, I felt a rush of warmth and pride.

As I visited the tennis courts of my old school (now pretty gardens) I remembered how much I loved playing, and as I wandered up the High Street, gazing into the windows of the bakeries, I realized how much I love baking. 

You get the idea…

After my first day, I realized: instead of making me doubt my path, Sherborne was validating it. Here were the beginnings of the things that I love! 

Follow the Clues: I realized how my teenage experiences shaped my speaking career. The acting I did had been fun, but I never felt compelled to pursue it, yet I was struck with a realization. Wait a minute…my speaking career uses some of those exact skills I built when I acted in those plays…!

In my keynotes, I'm alone, on a stage with an audience. I learn my "script", I weave in humor, emotion and physical movement.  I strive to make people feel something with my words, to connect together. Aha...this is all starting to make sense!

The reason that speaking to audiences feels like "home" to me, is that it's been 30 years in the making ;)

Why This Matters for You

As busy professionals, life can feel like it's whizzing by. We know that doing more of what we love helps us feel more ALIVE, connected and free. 

But, we resist looking back. What's the point, we think, it's in the past! We have new identities, new lives now...

BUT, your past holds clues to your passions and your natural abilities, you just need fresh eyes to see them. 

Your Turn: 3 Questions to Help You Reflect

  1. What feels like "home" to you? It doesn't have to be a place – it could be an activity or a state of mind. How does it feel? What clues live there?

  2. What did you enjoy and excel in the past? Do you miss it? Why? 

  3. How can you evolve those past joys into something fulfilling for the adult you? What does "Adult You" wish you did more of?

I'd love to hear what you uncover – reply to this email and tell me what you're learning about your past, and how that's shaping your future. 

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